Do you have the fear of conflicts?

Do you have the fear of conflicts?

As the fifth wave of pandemic broke out, office workers have to resort to work from home and students have to resume their online learning classes. Living under the same roof and spending more time together, families unavoidably encounter fictions and even conflicts. Such problems lead to lasting emotional strain and deteriorate our emotional health in the long run. Whenever conflicts arise, do you go through the following situations?

Physical discomfort

Defending yourself during conflicts, your stomach feels uncomfortable and your whole body feels like burning.


To sedate yourself

When conflicts arise, you choose to ignore them. Instead you sedate yourself through such means as food, alcohol and cigarettes to avoid the feeling of insecurity.


To appease others

When conflicts arise, you choose to justify the unreasonable behavior of others and submit yourself to their opinions, overlooking and enduring your wounds.


Reacting the scene

When the conflict is over, your mind ceaselessly replays words you expect to vocalize; it reacts the fight scene so as to figure out your family member’s intention during the quarrel.

If the above situations appear, you may not be familiar with handling conflicts, thus experiencing panic and emotional ups and downs. During the clash of opinion, take care of your emotional needs first; don’t rush for solution. Leave the scene and take 3 deep breaths to calm down yourself. Amidst the epidemic, there are greater needs to take care of ourselves and every relationship of ours. Treasure and support each other.